Protocol for Chairs
If you have agreed to chair a panel, please take responsibility for the following tasks:
1) Timekeeping. Parallel sessions are 100 minutes, and each panelist is allotted maximum 20 minutes when there are 4 panelists, and maximum 25 minutes when there are 3 panelists. In cases where there will be fewer than 3 panelists, the Chair may propose a different arrangement. Normally, however, if the Chair is presenting a paper on the panel, s/he goes last. In order to respect the participatory spirit of Joyce Without Borders, Chairs should seek to preserve 15 minutes for a Question and Answer period. The Chair will pass notes to the speaking panelist when there are 5 minutes left, 2 minutes left and 0 minutes left. It is the Chair's responsibility to interrupt the panelist in cases where the agreed-upon limit is breached.
2) Introductions. Chairs should very briefly introduce each panelist, including the chair when applicable, by reading a text provided in advance by the panelist of maximum 50 words per person. If the panelist does not provide a text of these specifications, then no introduction need be given.
3) Q&A. The Chair must select from among any raised hands in the audience to guide the Q&A period. If a Respondent has been listed in the program, that person should be called upon to ask the first question, identifying him/her as a Respondent, and giving the person's name and any academic affiliation listed in the program. We ask that Chairs attempt to come up with a few questions on their own in case there are no questions from the audience or the panel; however, questions from the audience and the other panelists should take precedence over questions from the Chair. We suggest that, when possible, Chairs slightly prioritize questions from women in the audience, since studies indicate that this often leads to greater gender-balance in discussions. The Chair must call the end of the session precisely at the appointed time, for which we strongly recommend setting a smartphone alarm.
4) Email previous to the Symposium. We ask Chairs to send each member of the panel a brief introductory email as soon as possible. This email should state, at minimum, "I have accepted the invitation of the Organizing Committee of Joyce Without Borders to chair panel X.X, and in that capacity I ask that each panelist send me a 50-word introductory bio, written in third person." Introductions should be given only in the language (English or Spanish) used in the title of the panel. In this email, please also include points 1, 2, and 3 listed above, so that everyone has the same information. To find the email addresses of your panelists, please download the PDF from the button immediately to the left of this text. You can find your panelists as they are listed in the provisional program; they appear in the PDF in alphabetical order by surname, and their emails can be copied and pasted from the PDF.
5) Questions. If you or any of your panelists have questions not covered here, please don´t hesitate to contact us by return email. One common question has to do with Power Point: all the rooms have A/V equipment and wifi, but we encourage people to bring their own laptops and appropriate adapters to connect to VGA and HDMI (if someone cannot bring a laptop, we'll deal with it on a case-by-case basis, so please let us know about those instances). It is also best to bring digital versions of any videos you wish to show, since we do not know how good the WIFI will be when the venue is full; streaming video may not work.